There is a lot of white noise around Ubiquinol and Ubiquinone and, unfortunately, many women feel they must take the very expensive Ubiquinol to improve their egg health. Fortunately new scientific evidence and more forms of CoQ10 available today means we can move away from the pricey Ubiquinol.
There are two widely used forms of CoQ10, Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol. Most formulations of Ubiquinone (the oxidised form of CoQ10) are less well absorbed, and whatever is absorbed is converted by the body into Ubiquinol (the reduced form of CoQ10). The thought process was therefore to skip that uncertainty around absorption and take Ubiquinol instead. Ubiquinol was thought to be more bioavailable, but it is also much more expensive.
Luckily, modern formulations of Ubiquinone have made the distinction between the two forms of CoQ10 much less relevant. That’s where our patented MicroActive® CoQ10 comes into its own.
A study has shown that our MicroActive® CoQ10 (which is Ubiquinone) as one of the most bioavailable formulations on the market today and the data supports that a dose of 200mg of this formulation is as effective as the standard Ubiquinone formulations at a dose of 600mg.
Our mission was to find a form of CoQ10 with as high absorption rates as possible but remaining cost-effective, and we are very proud to have pulled that off! You can learn more about the history of CoQ10 and big pharma and the scientific evidence behind our patented nutrient here.